why do cold drinks splashes out on sudden opening of its bottle cap?
During a hot summer day it feels relaxing to drink cold drinks such as:- pepsi, Coca-Cola etc. But when we open the bottle cap the cold drink seems to be splashing out with high pressure. Have you ever thought why it happens ? If yes then this article is for you. So let's start our today's explanation.
But wait! First of all we should be clear about its composition. So first let's see that:-
Aerated drinks (or cold drinks) mostly contains sugar and additives in them which enhances their taste. It contains carbon dioxide dissolved under very high pressure inside the bottle. Due to so much amount of sugar and carbon dioxide it is not advisable to take more aerated drinks. You can refer soda instead of it.
It this carbon dioxide which feels us fizz on drinking.
It is this carbon dioxide which splashes out at very high pressure on opening the bottle caps. How this happens let's see:-
The solubility of gases in liquids is directly proportional to the pressure. As pressure is very very high inside bottle so much amount of carbon dioxide can be dissolved inside the bottle.
After dissolving carbon dioxide inside bottle it comes in Equilibrium (the rate of forward reaction becomes equal to the rate of backward reaction) with the solution.
Now when we open up the bottle cap the pressure above Carbon dioxide falls due to which they escapes out with a very high pressure. If we keep open the bottle for a long time the solution becomes flat because of escaping out all the dissolved gases.
This is the main reason due to which the cold drink splashes out at very high pressure but in reality the dissolved carbon dioxide splashes out. Thanks for reading.
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AUTHOR:- Nayan Jyoti
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