
Showing posts with the label Mathematics


Domain and range of inverse trigonometric functions pdf    Inverse trigonometric functions domain and range pdf. Download pdf of inverse trigonometric functions. How to find domain of inverse trigonometric functions. How to find range of inverse trigonometric functions. What is the domain and range of inverse trig functions. Domain and range of inverse trig functions calculator. Pdf download of inverse trigonometric functions. Mathematics domain and range pdf. Inverse trig functions pdf download . Inverse trigonometric functions formula list.      



The logarithm.

The Logarithm Calculation is very much important for all of us. But for a student of science it is  like gift from god. A science student cannot take him away from calculation. Simple calculations can be done by by anyone but what about complex ones. Today we at eStudyan will give you all an important tool of mathematics which will help you in solving some complex let's start. Today we shall learn about logarithms. Logarithms can be used in finding any exponent of any number. Basically logarithm says us that at what power of given number we get a specific value. Suppose anyone says 10 raise to power 2 will give you  100 as result. In logarithm we represent this statement as   log 10 100=2. So it is clear that by logarithm we can find both power and the result we get after raising a certain number with some power. I hope you understood this. The tool logarithm has two types of table, log table and antilog table. We shall learn how to use these tables ...

[VIDEO] Saturday special- math fact

 Welcome to all of you in our today's article. This will be a very short article but don't worry it will not bore you. If you love math you will love this article. Let's begin. Fact:-  " if you multiply consecutive numbers  by a same number number their difference will provide you that number." (You can also refer to video provided below.) Now let's understand what i said. Suppose you multiply 2345 and 2344 by same number 9. See below:-            (2345×9) - (2344×9 ) By solving above expression you will get same number 9. Isn't it interesting . Try proving above facts with some more examples. Good bye see you soon with another interesting science or mathematics facts. If you haven't subscribe to us, do subscribe for more contents. © All Rights reserved.  No part of this article should be published online or offline in any manner.