What happens to the food inside our body ?

It feels good to eat food when we are very much hungry, at that time we put much more solid items in our mouth.

But have you ever wondered , how these solid particles (food items) gets digested in our body. Here comes a interesting process of digestion. I am going to explain you the process of human digestion step by step , so stay tuned on this article.

1. Ingestion:- 

The process in which we take food inside the body through mouth is called ingestion.
Intake of food (ingestion)


The process in which complex food particles breaks down into simple small particles is called Digestion.
Our digestive system

i)Digestion in mouth:-

Now, most  of you people will wonder after listening that the digestion of food starts in mouth. Isn't it true? 
Our mouth contains saliva which itself contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which breaks starch of food into sugar.

ii) Digestion inside stomach:-

After this the food enters into stomach through a tube like structure called oesophagus ,i.e., food pipe. The peristaltic movement (contraction and relaxation of food pipe) of food pipe makes easier for food to enter inside the stomach. Inside the stomach the food stays for 4-5 hours.

  Our stomach contains three gastric juices :- Pepsin , mucus and HCL. These gastric juices helps in digestion inside  stomach. The secretion of HCL is necessary for the working of Pepsin on food. HCL also kills the germs which comes inside the body through food items.
          Mucus protects the stomach from HCL which can cause in the removal of inner lining of stomach resulting in a very painful disease called ulcers. 
Now we should know the function of Pepsin. Pepsin helps in the digestion of protein of food.

iii) Digestion inside small intestine:-

Now, after this much processes the food with incomplete digestion enters inside small intestine through a narrow opening called sphincter muscles. Inside the small intestine the food gets digested completely,  how 🤔 it happens ? Let's see.

Small intestine receives secretion of two glands namely :- Liver and pancreas. Liver secretes bile while pancreas secretes pancreatic juices. Bile makes acidic food coming from stomach alkaline which makes easier for the pancreatic juices to work on food.
Bile also breaks fats into small globules.
There are three types of pancreatic juices :- pancreatic amylase , trypsin and lypase.
Pancreatic amylase breaks carbohydrates , trypsin breaks proteins and lypase breaks fats of the food.

Now , small intestine itself contains intestinal juice which which breaks carbohydrates into glucose , proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids and glycerol. These substances are simplest form of food digested by our digestive system.
In this way the complex solid food broken down into simple absorbable form.

3.Absorption of food:-   

The digested food is absorbed into the blood stream from small intestine. The small intestine is narrow so it appears to be small but it is actually very large . So small intestine requires something which increases its surface area, VILLI does this work for S.intestine . VILLI are the finger like structures which makes easier for the food to get absorbed.


 The absorbed food transferred to the different part of the body to fulfill energy requirements. This process is called assimilation.


After all this process some waste material left in the body which gets transferred into large intestine. From large intestine it comes in rectum and then from anus it comes out of the body.
So at last the whole process of digestion in human completed. I hope you fully understand this topic. Best of luck and good bye.
See you in my next article.

AUTHOR:- Nayan Jyoti

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