
Showing posts from November, 2020

[VIDEO] Saturday special- math fact

 Welcome to all of you in our today's article. This will be a very short article but don't worry it will not bore you. If you love math you will love this article. Let's begin. Fact:-  " if you multiply consecutive numbers  by a same number number their difference will provide you that number." (You can also refer to video provided below.) Now let's understand what i said. Suppose you multiply 2345 and 2344 by same number 9. See below:-            (2345×9) - (2344×9 ) By solving above expression you will get same number 9. Isn't it interesting . Try proving above facts with some more examples. Good bye see you soon with another interesting science or mathematics facts. If you haven't subscribe to us, do subscribe for more contents. © All Rights reserved.  No part of this article should be published online or offline in any manner.

How electricity reaches to our house ?

In today's world it's impossible to live without phones , TVs and other electronic gadgets. We need electricity to operate these gadgets. But have you ever thought how electricity reaches  to our house. Well today, we at eStudyan decodes this topic for you. The electricity supply board of our city provides two wire in our area and tied them to electric poles of our area. In these two wires one is live wire and other is neutral wire. These two wires reaches our house 🏠. Now an electric meter is fitted in our home by the electric supply board. This meter measures the amount of unit of electricity consumed by us in a given month. And in accordance with that they provide us suitable electric bill to us.  These two wires now gets connected to two separate fuses , one before getting into electric meter and other before reaching to the consumer's circuit.  We also connected fuse in our room circuit for safety. Now after passing from electric meter these two wire are provided to...